Serving The Planet

Archive | 2008

gOS 3

Combining the best parts of Mac OS X and Ubuntu, gOS3 is truly a worthy competitor in the OS wars. It has simplicity, a well designed interface, a rock solid linux core and google web applications. It can run as liveCD! Want to experiment with it next to your currentOS and not sure about dualboot […]

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Tiesto Adagio composing in 10 minutes

The only reason why I want to buy hardware synthesizers, is that I think it would save me considerable time opposed to composing music software synthesis wise … or doesn’t it? Check out what this guy creates in 10 minutes in FruityLoops low-entry software synthesizer + sequencer: And ok .. that cool white lookin’ plug-in certainly […]

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Application virtualization

Quote from Wikipedia: Application virtualization is an umbrella term that describes software technologies that improve portability, manageability and compatibility of applications by encapsulating them from the underlying operating system on which they are executed. A fully virtualized application is not installed in the traditional sense, although it is still executed as if it is. The […]

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FBI monitor results September ’08

As you might know — or hopefully have read on this blog — I’m involved with a few online money making opportunities around the globe. What’s the progress on Future Business Investments? Well I don’t want to be showcase of what’s possible, cause only YOU can shape your OWN destiny, but just to give an idea? […]

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Korg M50 SOS review

In my earlier posting of the Korg M50, I wasn’t that enthousiastic about the synthesizer. However reading the World Premier review of the Korg M50 in Sound On Sound magazine of October 2008, it seems to fit a hole in the market afteral! Expected price tag was supposed to be €1200. However, the 61-key version sells […]

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