Serving The Planet Professional: Ernst ‘Rhyker’ Kasteleijn

By using a little reverse engineering and simply having a look at:

It’s clear how is going through some changes to comply with the latest and greatest technologies like SSL, Amazon EC2 hosting, and as I’ve already made a couple of suggestions about here:

Who is Ernst ‘Rhyker’ Kasteleijn?

My name is Ernst Kasteleijn (nickname: Rhyker / Ernie), a 33 year old Digital Nomad, and was born into a generation that grew up with computers. The dream: to become a professional IT & MultiMedia engineer.

So my parents taught me to go to school, get an education, go to university, get your first job, get a further education, and then get a higher paying job. This is probably something we’ve all heard at one time or another. Being a good son and bright student, I did as my parents told me to …  You see, this ‘system’ seemed fine at the time, as all my friends were following the same path. However, at the young age of 21, after graduating at Polytech University as a Computer-Science engineer, I started to have some serious doubts on the road I was travelling. There had to be more to life than selling it to the highest bidding company and work in their ‘slave camp’ aka office. To cut a long story short, in the following 8 years I did many adventurous things. Giving me an unique perspective what I did NOT want from life. I’ve had jobs from dishwasher to Unix infrastructure engineer, from to retail employee to manager logistics, freelance webdeveloper to vice-president, even Forex trader and HYIP ‘investor’ … and not in that particular order.

I was able to retire from my full-time job at Cap Gemini 3rd level Linux/Unix engineer in 2009 (but not with MLM). However I didn’t want to waste my 23 odd years of hands-on tech support experience, hence founding an education company on July 15th, 2010 to share my expertise. However, due to circumstances at the time (recession), it started out with doing what I do best, providing Computer & Web Technology consultancy. My 2011 portfolio grew very fast into the international market (also due to my ties with several key MLM leaders), but foremost thanks to the most powerful and oldest marketing method on the planet: word-of-mouth advertising; the recommendation of a friend is simply worth more than anything else!

Life is a Journey

You’ve probably seen the docu “The Secret”, but have you also seen “The Compass”? It’s a film that tells the story of the journey through life, by a few of the most prominent lifestyle coaches of the 20th century. Life is meant to be lived in abundance. We all want to experience life at the highest levels, but do we really?

Over the years, we have been taught the importance of vision and clear thought. However, those who have truly attained success in all aspects of life know there is more that needs to be done to reach the top, and live a life of fulfillment and gratitude. Without knowing the optimal path, life tends to meander like a stream. A stream will take you down the mountain, but it will never carry you to the top.

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Added Value Service Provider

In my constant pursuit of adding more value to all my clients, I realised in February 2012 that I was reinventing the wheel. After having developed several systems to turn 6-figure income earners into 7-figure income earners, I was contemplating about setting something up of my own. When … it hit me like a ton of bricks: It doesn’t matter what works, it matters what duplicates!” 

Everything is possible when forming an alliance with like minded entrepreneurs; a mastermind (go read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill). It’s the ability to leverage on Time, Enthusiasm, Skills & Talent of a passionate group of people. I basically reverse engineered Network Marketing!

Formula for financial freedom: residual income – residual bills >= 0


Choosing a company for long term residual

Choosing any business (especially MLM), is like a marriage. Some people find true love with their first partner. Others need a few to ‘practise’ before taking a leap forward ? I fall into the second category. I’ve been in & out quite a few network marketing companies the past 6 years, before finding ‘the one’ that fits ALL our needs. You see, no matter how good a payplan is, I’m above all a product user; I cannot market what I’m not passionately using myself. Basically going back to the core of what MLM is about; word-of-mouth advertising. And why do people want to work from home, when you can work from anywhere you like!? So it had to be:

  • service driven company … (no physical product autoshipping)
  • a service that’s an extension of what we’re about … (excellence!)
  • preferably global … (to serve our global network)
  • great value for everybody … (including traditional entrepreneurs)
  • low monthly fees … (so it’s affordable)
  • no start-up company … (proven success)
  • high retionrate … (so customers stay long-term happy customers)
  • worldclass training system … (so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel)
  • wordlcass tools … to built both oldskool relationship marketing + latest & greatest Internet Marketing technology
  • not to be stuck at a computer every day … (I love my iPad!)
  • great & constant innovation … (on par with what we’re about)

Join our movement …

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it!”

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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