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Archive | Betting, Forex & Gambling


GridSeed FaceBook FanPage

Why hasn’t anyone else thought about this? I’ve just registered the GridSeed facebook fanpage: It’s a community based page (not an official corporate page), where we are sharing tips, tricks, articles and most importantly; where you can buy your GridSeed Dual  ASIC miners! (will be the biggest bad ass list you can find on […]

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Build Your Own Crypto Currency (i.e. LiteCoin) GPU miner computer rig: February 2014

This article caused quite the stir with other crypto currency miners. As I concluded that mining digital coins with a Computer is a “no go”. Which is correct if you’re mining Bitcoins; it’s complexity of mining is increasing. To make the investment in ASIC mining equipment pay for it self you have to get at least […]

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