Serving The Planet

Archive | Cloud Computing


Gmail Tweaks

What a lot of people, including myself, sometimes forget is that you can add a lot of extra neat features through “Google/GMail Labs”. Tonight I’ve enabled:   signature tweaks; Places your signature before the quoted text in a reply, and removes the “–” line that appears before signatures.   Right-side labels; Move the labels box to the […]

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Internet Disrupts Across Asia

The have been reports of a disruption in the Internet network across Asia. Bypasses for the problem will be placed this christmas, actual problem fix might take till the end of the year. This affects accessing sites like for example (which has it’s server in Vietnam). The administrator of the program was so nice […]

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Application virtualization

Quote from Wikipedia: Application virtualization is an umbrella term that describes software technologies that improve portability, manageability and compatibility of applications by encapsulating them from the underlying operating system on which they are executed. A fully virtualized application is not installed in the traditional sense, although it is still executed as if it is. The […]

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IPv4 vs. IPv6 Transition Status and Recommendations

IPv4 vs. IPv6 Transition Status and Recommendations

The Internet is expected to change dramatically over the coming three to five years, with dramatic growth in traffic, business changes, and a shift from the traditional Internet Protocol to a next generation Internet Protocol. A presentation about IPv4 / IPv6 transition status and recommendations: Related posts: Endpoint Protection User Review: Avast Business CloudClare vs […]

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[NL] Fon gratis WLAN hotspots

Gratis internetten via WLAN hotspots … dat kan illegaal (en is dus strafbaar bij de wet), maar je kan het ook legaal doen dmv Fon. Bijkomend voordeel van Fon t.o.v. hotspot abonnementen bij reguliere Nederlandse telecom providers, is de wereldwijde dekking. Wil je meer informatie en achtergrond over Fon in het Nederlands? Raadpleeg dan het […]

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