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![[Infographic] What Happens In An Internet Minute? rhyker2u](
[Infographic] What Happens In An Internet Minute?
Source: Are you going to waste another minute? Or are you going to opt-in to learn how you can capatilise on the Internet? No related posts.

More about Crowdfunding aka Crowd Financing aka Equity Crowdfunding aka Hyper Funding
Crowdfunding, as its name suggests, is a funding method where common people like you and me, henceforth the crowd, fund your personal or business project with their own money. There’s a term that we commonly use to describe this money-giving action; it’s called a donation. Most nerds know about a site called “kickstarter”, it’s used by tech […]
![[NL] Wat zijn de nieuwe IBAN rekeninggegevens van Vodafone? rhyker2u](
[NL] Wat zijn de nieuwe IBAN rekeninggegevens van Vodafone?
Ik betrapte mezelf erop dat ik nog een allerstallige rekening van VodaFone moet betalen (i.v.m. gemaakte roamingkosten tijdens mijn verblijf in Chicago USA). Maar bij het invullen van het rekeningnummber van Vodafone: krijg ik een melding dat het automatisch is omgezet in NL08DEUT0265121809. Okay … dat is prettig. Maar DEUT? Duitsland? Of … nee want […]
ENV2: Empower Network version 2.0 Keynote Speech
Quick recap for those who weren’t at the Empower Network Denver Event last weekend; ENV2: Empower Network v2.0 Keynote Speech (apologies for the poor recording quality! It was recorded from the audience on an iPad) New Features Empower Network 2.0 ENV2 hottest new features 1) The biggest problem they’ve tackled is fixing the ‘WordPress […]

Talk Fusion New Presentation English July 2013
Remember the good old Presentations Video’s of Talk Fusion that took like … forever? Which is why we had all kinds of custom presentations? Well none of that anymore! Talk Fusion New Presentation English Talk Fusion New Presentation English Presented by Dianthe Isa-Oosterhof P.S. want to see a showcase of what you can do with […]

Open Source Platform of Direct Sales, Affiliate and Network Marketing
One of the co-founders and fellow affiliates of Empower Network — David Sharp — talks about how to release your inner badass by automating your entire business, and how Empower Network really is the Open Source Platform of Direct Sales, Affiliate and Network Marketing. Click the the picture to start playing insightful video: A few […]