Serving The Planet

Archive | Communication


Mobile VOIP app

I’m running several global business, and loving Skype to make international phone calls, but Skype isn’t the cheapest (neither the best when it comes to call quality). So today while browsing the Apple appstore I ran into app: With MobileVOIP you can make free* voip calls from your mobile phone. Make calls to any […]

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How Can I share My Skype Status?

Sharing your Skype Status has been made easy with the Skype’s services: Get a default Skype button: Get a custom Skype button: Most profiles however, including my own Google Profile, hides your Skype from unknown contacts. And Adding Skype URL like callto:// usually gets preseeded with http:// … thus making it diffult to share you Skype […]

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How do I sync Gmail contacts with Skype?

With all my contacts now safely stored in Google Contacts, comes the question if it’s possible to sync them with Skype as well (so it makes it easier to make calls). Apps: (formely known as SkypeSync) | $16.95 with free trial SynqIT looks promising in many ways, except it’s Windows based software Additional research: Skype for […]

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