Serving The Planet

Archive | Earn Money Online


The Lawnmower Man Story

I’m a ‘techy’ / computernerd by trade. One of my passions for the past 20 years, is helping consumers and fellow entrepreneurs with their Information Technology challenges. Throughout the years I’ve also built up a website portfolio with a lot of professional networkers. As such I’ve worked with, been trained by, or have friendship with some […]

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[NL] 2012: Nóg méér voor minder

Eind 2011 hebben wij een vragenlijst verspreid onder onze vaste klanten, om te informeren waar er ruimte is voor verbetering. Deze bevindingen zijn samengevoegd met onze eigen plannen en direct doorgevoerd! Naast een verbeterde online & telefonische bereikbaarheid, is er een speciale samenwerking opgezet met een thuiswerk bedrijf, waarbij alle teamleden collectieve korting genieten op onze ICT hulp. We willen dan […]

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How to apply for your Genie Payment card

You heard it here first! 27th of September the Shopping Genie debitcard was announced. Today, you can apply for it! note: you don’t have to apply for a debitcard. You can still use bankwire transfer or receive checks by mail, if you so please. Having a debitcard is more sexy though Log into your […]

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The Perfect Fundraiser

Introducing the Perfect Fundraiser When you look at Fundraising Programs for your Organization, are these the key factors that affect your decisions? • Expense • Return on Investment • Ease of Implementation • Broad appeal/Usefulness to Donors • Can it be repeated Traditional Fundraising Programs only give you a one-time return on your investment and normally […]

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Earn With Earnie
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