Serving The Planet

Archive | Goals

My Vision Board 2012

My Vision Board 2012

If you cannot envision where you want to be at, it’s going to be difficult to take the action to get there.   2011 — for me — was pretty much about living other people’s dreams. I was doing the things I excel at; hardcore ‘nerding’ at several IT projects. But in the process of […]

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Inspiring Beach Houses

There are two kinds of pictures (besides naked women) that really excite me: Pent- and beachhouses: I’m not sure on the actual location, nor proporties (and their furniture yet) as I still have lots of exploring to do: philippines, Dubai, Virgin Islands, Hawai, etc. to name a few, but here as “ahhh ohhh”-sneakpeek: Hawai, Maui: […]

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GOALS & GamePlan: 2012 Q1 Milestones

Some people, including myself, are easily distracted from the things that I like to attain in life. Thus having a vision board is great, but not being able to realise the small babysteps, that will get me where I want to be, is frustrating. So instead of dreaming big, I like to keep things realistic and practical […]

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The power of 50

A few months ago I got diagnosed with ADHD. In my specific case — contrary to popular belief — that doesn’t mean I run around with my hands in the air or can’t stop talking. Instead I’m the quiet type Meaning what you don’t see going on at the outside, goes on at the inside; […]

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iPad / iPhone / iPod touch material goal

Come to think of this recent blogpost, the iPad (either iPhone 4) could be ‘the missing link‘ in my quest of the past year in getting the best of MacOSX, Apple hardware, netbook portability, with the rawpower for multimedia features. My hardware wishlist (in this particular case):   Apple iPad 64GB Wifi (non-3G version)   […]

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Earn With Earnie
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