Serving The Planet

Archive | MLM Tools


My Personal Development Success Library 2014

Personal development is instrumental in terms of achieving true success. While most things are material, or can be taken from us, knowledge is one thing most of us carry to our grave, absent tragic accidents or disease such as Alzheimer’s. What I’m getting at is this, knowledge is true power, and the more you acquire the more control you will find […]

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Advertising? Pays! My MAP – User Review May 2014: Ponzi Scam or Crazy Legal?

There are two kinds of people people who get paid every 20 minutes and those who do not want to get paid every 20 minutes (WHY?!) Watch these user reviews / testimonials of real people (of all walks of my life) from London, UK; You chose what group you like to be part of … […]

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Team Builds Are Not For Everyone!

We’ve already demistified quite a few controversial subjects over the past few years. Here are just two: TeamBuilder Co-Op Exposed by MMG LifeTime Supporter Are all High Yield Investment Programs Ponzi Scams? So I’m glad I’m not the only one who notices a flaw in something else, which is: To All FreeToolbox Members Hi Earnie ‘Rhyker’ , As […]

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[NL] Jip & Janneke Thuiswerk boek (op papier; geen e-book)

We hebben het al eens eerder over dit boek gehad. Een korte introductie: Thuiswerk; het lijkt zo makkelijk, en dat is het ook, mits je maar weet HOE!  En daar schuilt vaak het probleem. De 45 seconden presentatie is niet alleen een “Netwerken voor Dummies” boek, maar bevat extreem waardevolle en helder geformuleerde informatie om […]

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