Serving The Planet

Archive | My Journey


HYIP & Autosurf are EXIT

I’m no longer participating in ANY High Yield Invest Programs or Autosurf for the simple fact that they are ALL Ponzi’s. Ponzi’s are illegal by law for a reason. Some people ‘who ride the ponzi’ are making huge amounts of money, but 90% of people are losing money, as the ‘investments’ (read: gambling) you make […]

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Exit MPT, focus on SU

Yes it’s barely a month ago that I decided to focus on MPT instead of Euphony, and now … another major overhaul by saying goodbye to MyPrivateTrade (MPT), and shift my complete focus to the — to me — very new Success University. This was a tough decision to make though, cause both companies are […]

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‘Remarkable’ conclusion

I’ve already decided to make some changes in my ‘command center’ setup, due to some changes in my schedule concerning short term commitments. As I’ve experienced by now, the feeling of acquiring materialistic goals from ‘my bucket list’ is far nicer than actually owning/using the products. Besides the fact I don’t have the time, nor […]

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Blog changes January 2009

First change: from this new year / new month on, I will use just 1 topic to describe all the blogchanges of the particular month we are in, starting with this month: January 2009. Changes made 16jan09: Merged and improved content removed webcontact form, added other ways of communication Changes made 20jan09: relaunch of dedicated […]

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Earn With Earnie
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