Serving The Planet

Archive | Personal Development


The Lawnmower Man Story

I’m a ‘techy’ / computernerd by trade. One of my passions for the past 20 years, is helping consumers and fellow entrepreneurs with their Information Technology challenges. Throughout the years I’ve also built up a website portfolio with a lot of professional networkers. As such I’ve worked with, been trained by, or have friendship with some […]

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Give It Away

Give It Away

A nice inspiring song by Bill Gaither, Guy Penrod, Marshall Hall, Wes Hampton, Ernie Haase, Doug Anderson, Tim Duncan, and Ryan Seaton … aka the “Gaither Vocal Band” … LIVE! Lyrics Now, he was working in his garden when i happened by. He waived me over with that look in his eye and started breaking […]

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Earn With Earnie
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