… to be a great programmer? Only 3 key qualities according to the Camel book (mentioned in the glossary): Laziness The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don’t have […]
Archive | Software
Change Windows productkey
A friend of mine ran into this problem … If your Windows product key for some reason rendered invalid, is no longer genuine, counterfeited, etc. You can actually buy a product key or legit Windows (second hand would be best) without reinstalling everything. The method for doing so can be found here. When you’re not […]
Screen saver defragmentation
While I remain sceptical about defragmentation programs, more specifically about their performance increase, the main reason I’m not using them at all is that it consumes computing time. We might argue it’s unhealthy the amount of time I spend behind a PC, but it IS my work, hobby, and most of my leisure. So around […]

Roland MT-32 nostalgic games music
Do you remember those times when you had a Covox, Adlib soundcard … gee that must be hmm atleast 15 years ago? And you were jealous of people having that Roland MT-32. While this synthesizer module was basically made for studio musicians, a lot of game manufacturers (especially LucasArts en Sierra) composed some great music. […]
Firefox add-on: Web Developer
“An add-on to Firefox every web developer should have” … yeah yeah bla bla. I read that so many times a day, that I hardly believe those kind of statements. But damn! This really IS a must have tool! You can do all kinds of things: disable java, perform operations on cookies, all kinds of […]
![[NL] Sun’s VirtualBox virtualisatie software](http://www.virtualbox.org/graphics/vbox_logo2_gradient.png)
[NL] Sun’s VirtualBox virtualisatie software
Zoals bekend heb ik nogal wat applicaties welke afhankelijk zijn van het Windows operating system, edoch is het handig voor mijn werk dat ik ook Linux draaiende heb. In plaats van dual boot heb ik vanavond gekozen voor virtualisatie software, en wel voor Sun’s open source VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for […]
[NL] Linux wireless LAN support
Linux & in gebruik nemen van Wireless LAN is heel sim-pel! Als het werkt, dan werkt het ook meteen. Wanneer je kaart om wat voor reden niet herkent wordt ben je al snel een dag bezig met NDIS windows driver emulatie, fw-cutter firmwares, allerlei obscure source code doorploegen (ok dat laatste was een sterke overdrijving […]