Serving The Planet

Archive | Tips & Tricks


The Best (Top 25?) Video and Image Creation Tools All-in-1 place!

I just joined a supercool new video professional group on FaceBook: and I posted this as a response to my warm welcome message:  Just read the ‘mission statement’. Adding Value? Oh goody that’s my middle name! Or could be Heya all I’m a pro nerd. Have a lot of mad skill in all kinds of […]

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Is there a Permanent Solution to WordPress “500 Internal Server Error” Deja Vu or just a Quick Fix ?

Right … Deja Vu This is exactly what went wrong at CycleClubMembers too. Which was the project that Options4All merged into during October 2015. And it was 1 of these problems (and a couple of others mentioned here), that made me decide to pull the plug on it. And focus on income producting activities instead. But […]

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What If … Options4All Can Become a Reality after All in 2016 ?

Introduction Hi there! Depending on when you first visited this website in the past 3 years? A LOT has changed. And it all based on 1 thought … What is your Idea to Change the World ? What If … … we could leave something behind before ‘kicking the bucket’ based on a  ‘tell-a-few’ idea […]

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[NL] EKPC Hulp op Afstand **ACTIE UPDATE** PrePaid 2015 korting

De laatste versie van deze actie is altijd te raadplegen vanaf, maar een moment opname kan je hieronder vinden: Wanneer je de EKPC videonieuwsbrieven ontvangt, dan weet je dat er heel veel positieve veranderingen gaande zijn. Zo hebben we per 6dec14 de tarieven voor de Teamviewer “hulp op afstand”-dienst al verlaagd naar €7 per […]

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My MAPS team updates and Quick FAQ: January 2015

Hi there! there’s a high probability that if you’re reading this right now? That you’re on my team already cause I sent this out in a newsletter. And you received that email cause I’m the guy who referred you through My Advertising PayS (in short: MAPS). However if you are brand new to all of this? […]

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