Serving The Planet

Archive | Tips & Tricks

Build Your Own Crypto Currency (i.e. LiteCoin) GPU miner computer rig: February 2014

This article caused quite the stir with other crypto currency miners. As I concluded that mining digital coins with a Computer is a “no go”. Which is correct if you’re mining Bitcoins; it’s complexity of mining is increasing. To make the investment in ASIC mining equipment pay for it self you have to get at least […]

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WAIT with signing up in = Scam? Collapsing?

As I was just talking to some fellow nerds. And had a conversation that went a little like this (WARNING: *MINDFART rant BadAss Rhyker style*): “So this Bitcoin-Economy thing?” “Isn’t that for n00bs?” “Can’t I google all that information together?” “Isn’t it a sorry excuse for a compensation plan?” Yeah maybe it is. Here’s a thought though. […]

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How to Build Your Own Bitcoin ASIC miner USB farm

Early 2014 — after much debate — I decided to become a co-founder of a new project called Bitcoin-Economy. Not that I needed another project or e-learning course, but getting paid to learn about something that’s an extension of what I’ve been interested about for a while? But this article is about something else … As I’m […]

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English Auto Blogging / PowerToolSubmitter for Mac – Installation Instructions

Quicklink to this howto @ Google Docs: What do you need, to get ENPTS (EN-PowerToolSubmitter) working on a Mac? Well … only 3 things, but Mac users are usually not ‘techies’. The challenge lays into the fact that ENPTS is Windows software. And a Mac is … a Mac. So it cannot run Windows […]

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[NL] EKPC Computer ondersteuning nodig?

SuHallo! Zoals wellicht bekend bij vaste klanten ben ik officieel gestopt met aanbieden van computerhulp per 1 oktober 2013. Daar lagen een aantal redenen aan ten grondslag. Zie ook: Nu bijna 2 maand verder is de belangrijkste toch wel, dat ik meer verdien met online werken vanuit huis, dan thuis bezoeken afleggen voor computer reparatie bij […]

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