Serving The Planet

Archive | Webdesign, Coding & DTP

Embed HTML5 Facebook CDN Video Hosting In WordPress

While everybody is trying to outsmart the Empower Network YouTube slap, by getting onto all kinds of different platforms (making more costs), I’ve been thinking how to do it better too … and based on the frustrations and lessons of several video hosting platforms I made a list of my requirements: no ads no distractions (related […]

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[NL] Nederlandse Stap-voor-Stap Training voor Bloggen met Empower Network WordPress Platform voor Beginners

Ik heb deze al een tijdje geleden in de secret TeamTissa facebook group gepubliceerd, maar het lijkt me eigen wel handig — wanneer je nog zoekende bent naar informatie over Empower Network — om daar iets openbaar over te maken. Dus … bij deze Conclusie Kei-simpel! En hier verdienen we dus online geld mee!!  Hoe? […]

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Empower Network: Our Team Tools & Bonuses Update January 2013

When you haven’t watched the “How to start earning 100% commissions TODAY”-video by Dave yet? I suggest you do so, to get a grasp how HUGE this opportunity can be for you. Most of the ‘pre-signup’ questions I got recently are from people who already know, or heard a lot about Empower Network, but like to position themselves for […]

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