Serving The Planet

Tag Archives | apple


iPad USB MIDI keyboard controllers

While browsing through the blogposts, I got the idea to make a list of the most popular iPad USB MIDI keyboard controllers. Two years ago I was one of the early adopters of the Korg Nano series (consisting of the keyboard, pads and mixer/faders). The Korg NanoPad was absolutely my favorite tool. The keyboard […]

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Apple eMac for my mum!

Last night bought a second hand Apple eMac for my mum! Goodbye Windows XP; we are not going to miss you! Apple eMac model specifications: PowerPC G4 1GHz 1024MB RAM memory 40GB harddisk CD-RW/DVD combo optical drive ATI Radeon 7500 AGP 32MB 17″ CRT screen (screenresolution: 1280×960) Additional hardware: Macally ICEKEY Keyboard USB Apple Mighty Mouse USB Epson […]

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Earn With Earnie
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