Serving The Planet

Tag Archives | digital nomad lifestyle

The Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online

Been referring to this book many times already, but never written a blogpost about it! I got it as a gift last year by Arthur Fedder. How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Online Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online! Every day […]

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Shiny Object Alert: WorldVentures Launches New Website and Manifesto (Review 2013 Q2)

I was talking a representative from WorldVentures from Cyprus last week, that really wanted me to join WorldVentures (again). And advised me to have a look at the new WorldVentures website. Okay … sure I will have a look. As WorldVentures remains to be on my ‘opportunity hotlist’ and has been there for a while. Let’s […]

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A Perfect Moment; The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A Perfect Moment; The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Every moment is a perfect moment. Wherever you are, all around the World. Enjoy: Soundtrack: “Perfect Moment” by Peter White. “Digital nomads are a new breed of resourceful entrepreneurs, who are able to live and work anywhere they please. Nomadic workers typically enjoy a flexible and fulfilling lifestyle, leveraging technology and the internet to work […]

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Apps & Tools for Digital Nomads to Create Freedom

None of the ‘techy’ information below is required to succeed in life. The reason it’s here anyway, is because that’s what I love blogging about too  As a digital nomad / road warrior, you won’t have a fixed workplace. No cubicle. The world is (y)our office! We do generally rely on a variety of digital resources to do our work as they […]

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