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Tag Archives | kalpesh patel success university


Stop paying attention to dreams. They don’t mean anything and ur waisting …

With my renewed enthusiasm to start blogging, and how we all know that things tend to get lost on FaceBook timelines. I feel the need to share this with everybody with regards to a response I got in a chat conversation with somebody I hold dear on the 6th of December 2015. Dreams and Visions […]

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Shiny Object Alert: WorldVentures Launches New Website and Manifesto (Review 2013 Q2)

I was talking a representative from WorldVentures from Cyprus last week, that really wanted me to join WorldVentures (again). And advised me to have a look at the new WorldVentures website. Okay … sure I will have a look. As WorldVentures remains to be on my ‘opportunity hotlist’ and has been there for a while. Let’s […]

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Earn With Earnie
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