Serving The Planet

E-Learning Is the Future and the Future Is Now

If you ask 10 people to name the greatest business thinker of the last century, I am willing to bet that at least eight of them, and maybe all 10, will pick Peter Drucker.


There’s a very good reason. Drucker invented the modern science of management in 1954 when he wrote The Practice of Management. When he later wrote The Effective Executive in 1965, he set the course for thousands of books about executive excellence that followed.


Drucker consistently anticipated the future – an ability that stayed with him undiminished until he passed away last year at the age of 95.


In the year 2000, Drucker predicted that the Internet would become the most important teaching tool of the 21st Century. You can read his prediction in the 2000 Forbes cover story, “Webucation is the Next Great Growth Opportunity.” People are only now grasping his vision of electronic learning.


Let me share with you some of Drucker’s reasons for believing that Internet-based education (“Webucation,” to use his term) was poised to become the most powerful learning tool ever devised by mankind:


Every student enjoys the equivalent of a one-to-one teacher-student ratio.


    • The student can learn at any time, in any place.


    • Online learning is far more time-efficient and cost-efficient than classroom learning.


    • A student can replay the course material as often as needed until learning is complete.


    • Graphics, pictures and other resources make Webucation far more effective than classroom teaching.


    • Internet learning meets a critical need, since contemporary people can no longer afford to stop learning once they earn a degree. Webucation allows successful people to keep learning throughout their lives.



Update 21jan09: it’s almost 2 years ago that I wrote this blogpost. Peter Drucker was right, again. Online learning truly is the future – and the future is now.

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