Serving The Planet

[NL] Cisco certificering carriere pad

CISCO(Dutch introduction) In mijn nieuwe job startende per 1 juni 2008 dien ik binnen 2 weken CCNA certificering te behalen en aansluitend CCVP. Wat houdt dat precies in?

The widely respected IT certification programs available through Cisco Career Certifications bring valuable, measurable rewards to network professionals, their managers, and the organizations that employ them.


Three Levels of IT Certification

We offer three levels of general IT certification: Associate, Professional, and Expert (CCIE representing the highest level of achievement).

Six Different Paths

Various tracks—such as Routing and Switching, Network Security, and Service Provider—are available, so that you can match your certification path to your job role or industry.

IT Certification in Focused Areas

In addition to general certifications, network professionals can enhance their core networking knowledge by achieving specialist certification in technologies such as security, IP telephony, and wireless.

More information @ Cisco website

Update 7Feb2013: just found this article again on my own blog. CCNA … is challenging to get, and only gives a potential paygrade raise of 100 euro a month. CCNP is difficult. CCIE? Close to impossible. Which is why there are only handful of them in Holland.

How many people do you know that actually are CCIE certified? I used to know 2 of them. ULTRA smart individuals. I don’t even possess 10% of their skillset.

Are they are getting paid what they are worth? ….

no … not even more than $10K per month taxfree … which is strange for having a unique certification. Guys? The true pyramid is not having your own home based business. It’s being stuck in a job, and thinking you are not good at anything else … or that there’s no way out! There is … took me yours to find and master … and you can either learn IT from a fellow IT guy

Passion for IT? Sure always will, always have. Have a bigger passion for my bank account though, and what money buys me … FREEDOM FROM OUR BOSSES!

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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