Serving The Planet

[NL] My Private Trade AutoTrade launch!

Zoals al eerder aangekondigd deze week, maar nu dan eindelijk officieel:

All MPT agents can join in on the new MPT Auto Trade System as from Friday Evening September 5th!
You are only hours away from MPT’s newest and most exiting step ever made until now. After years of testing, testing again and finally having very exiting results, we are ready to enter the market on Friday evening September 5th 2008 after closing of the Forex Market. Don’t miss it! Please click here to read the complete newsletter


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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