Serving The Planet

The ITIL & LPIC challenge …

Have been ill for 3 days … heavy migraine, toothpain, nauseous/intestines issues, etc. 3 days behind schedule, missed LPIC 101 exam training, moved the LPIC 101 exam, missed first ITIL training day . Hmmzz … how good am I really in acquiring huge amounts of knowledge in little time? Is it possible to pass for both exams on Tuesday 16th of September? So I stil l deserve to be a Sogetist?

Of course it is possible. Yeah I know it’s just 3 days of selfstudy. So what? I’m going for it! Apologies up front when I’m unreachable the next few days …

update 15sep08: had contact with my unit manager and we made some changes to my schedule after increasing ‘after-surgery’ pains.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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