Serving The Planet

Advantages of WorldLotterySyndicate Euromillions lottery

As a promised a Dutch to English translation of this article: “a summary of the major advantages of participating in Euromillions WorldLotterySyndicate”.

Instead of playing with 5 numbers and 2 stars, you play in WLS with a group of 25 people, where the total amount of money they would normally pay for lots, is used to buy 126 lots (so you play as a group with 9 numbers and 2 stars). Thus your win chance increases, but also the money that can be won in the group.

When somebody in your social network (friends, family) wins money, you will get next to your share (when you both played in the same WLS group), an extra reward of 1-3% extra!

Recent example? On 15th of August 2008 WLS group QBX284 won €35677. When you apply the division formula of the money (in Dutch; sorry!), everybody who played in this group with a whole lot earned €1284. As a “thank you” for every player you referred into this group, u will earn €42.81 extra cash on top of your price money. Would have been nice, right?

Suppose that you win the jackpot lottery, cause that’s a matter of time; the winning combination has to fall on a sold lot. How bigger the jackpot, the more lots are sold. By the way, did you already buy a lot on WLS?

Of course, you are one of the many unfortunate people that never won anything in a lottery, but you referred your good friend John. Let’s suppose the winning jackpot numbers have been pulled for a price of €88 million. Too bad … John didn’t have luck either, but John referred Miranda, and she on her turn referred Mary. Mary’s WLS playing group has won the jackpot! Do you know Mary? Yes or no … doesn’t matter. You will get (just as John will) €35.200 as ‘thank you’, and because Miranda and Mary know eachother Miranda will actually earn €100.000

How would your life look from that day on? And how would talk about WLS? You still haven’t won a lottery, but because you shared the opportunity of playing with John, etc. you did earn money. How will your life look like next Friday when you become enthousiastic right now?

Hint: another article that might interest you is the Syndicate lottery ‘comparison’ review at this blog.

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