Serving The Planet

Blog updates October 2008 week 1

While I’m still in Athens, Ohio USA, for my company’s businesscourse. I found a better balance between work and free time, to pickup blogging again. got a major overhaul and a lot of new added investment programs. Total profit of these programs is growing rapidly. My enthousiasm reached new heights this week: made about  €400 euro this week with a few minutes work a day. When you’re not part of it yet, I definitely recommend you look into it. To reach more people with these terrific opportunities, I started a new promotion campaign, which will considerably increase site traffic. Current average of unique visitors a day on this blog: 165.

Next week is also going to be last week in the USA, before I go back to the Netherlands. In the projects by “University without Boundaries” we had, I acquired a lot of dormant skills and even some new ones. I will post a lot of insights on those the upcoming weeks and even more information on looking back on this terrific experience!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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