Serving The Planet

Behringer U-control UMA25S

Not a new product (released at MESSE 2007), but when looking at portability (with the previous post on the Korg Nano series) this might be a nice add-on to your portable home studio setup:

The UMA25S is a super-slim controller keyboard with a fully fledged USB audio interface. It has 25 velocity-sensitive keys for the slickest set of glissandos and snappiest of arpeggios. This little monster has 21 assignable controllers to give you total control. We included the DAW software energyXT2 Compact BEHRINGER Edition plus a plethora of software widgets allow you to rock straight out of the box. Fun guaranteed! Wanna jam and jump on stage? No problem as the UMA25S also comes with a strap for you to shine on stage. Strap it on, step into the spotlight and get the guitar player next to you in trouble! To get you totally mobile we even throw in a quality headset and a soft bag.

This all-in-one package sells at for €89, and for €99. Want to see a video overview of it’s features? Checkout Sonicstate.

Update 13feb09: Specifications rock! Played around with this baby, and it’s crap! Rather spend more money and buy a good piece of equipment with the Edirol PCR300.

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