Serving The Planet

Debit card news

It has been a while since I published anything on virtual and/or offshore debitcards. With the death of TradElite, so went the opportunity of having a reliable debitcard, or doesn’t it?

On another note, before the end of this year we are ready to offer a debit card solution for all Liberty Reserve account holders. We are currently working on a design of the debit card itself and copyright materials. We have allocated separate customer support just for the debit card to ensure that all your concerns are addresses properly.

update 19dec08:

Please note that we had to postpone the launch of the Liberty Reserve debit card until after Christmas and New Year holidays. Most government offices and banks are getting closed, and we need more time to test the automated loading system to make sure it functions to expected standards. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Another great reliable debitcard solution seems to be the ATM card service of e-payprocessor: (more info in their FAQ).

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