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Manifesting Prosperity and Abundance – Randy Gage

Manifesting Prosperity and Abundance in your Life to create health, happiness and success with Randy Gage.


For more than 20 years, Randy Gage has been helping other people transform self-limiting beliefs into business and personal success. His compelling journey of triumph over poverty, fear, and self-doubt demonstrates the true power of your mind to attract and maintain prosperity in your life. Randy believes that you are meant to be rich, and it is a sin to be poor. Through his prosperity workshops, books and CDs, he travels the world teaching that health, happiness, and wealth are possible for all who desire it. Randy reveals how to harness the power of thought and intention to manifest success in all areas of your life. A former high school dropout, Randy rose from a minimum wage dishwasher to become a multi-millionaire. This astonishing journey provides the foundation for the principles he teaches to help empower you to your own prosperity.

Learn more about Prosperity at

Subscribe to his Prosperity Ezine Randys Rants at

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“The modern-day answer to Napoleon Hill and a Jedi Master of wealth and prosperity.”

Randy is the author of the best-selling books: Prosperity Mind, The 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, 101 Keys to Your Prosperity, Accept Your Abundance, and 37 Secrets About Prosperity and Why Youre Dumb, Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich.

His books and other learning resources have been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Norwegian, Korean, German, Russian, Czech, Indian, Portuguese, Slovene, Macedonian, Croatian, Indonesian and Dutch. In addition to his books, he has written dozens of published articles on the subject.

For more than 20 years, he has been helping other people transform self-limiting beliefs into business and personal success. His compelling journey of triumph over poverty, fear, and self-doubt demonstrates the true power of your mind to attract and maintain prosperity in your life.

Visit Randy Gage’s Official Website Prosperity Store at:

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