Serving The Planet

My investment pool part II

-= UPDATE 23jan09: Please read this blogpost =-

This is the second month that I make my investment portfolio public. Last month’s pool wasn’t very successful. First of all I made the mistake to forget to post my initial investment. And even worse; at the end of the month several popular programs collapsed. That said; didn’t lose money either. January 2009 .. new month with lots of new good HYIP & Autosurf opportunities.

Main focus is still on relatively short term (between 5 and 30 day programs). Initial investment: ~ $6260 + €522

Total investments balance:
currently $6639 (6% profit) + €522 (0% profit)

Pending investments: (sorted by date)


    • $100 in YouMilex -> expect $125 at January 24th 2009


  • $275 in FXoic -> expect $304 at January 24th 2009



  • $45 in RevenueInvestment -> expect $59.4 at January 25th 2009



  • $500 in AggeroInvestment -> expect $637.5 at January 25th 2009



  • $253  in AggeroInvestment -> expect $323 at January 28th 2009



  • $20 in BrainManagement -> expect $31.88 at March 3rd 2009



  • €157 in BrainManagement -> expect €298.3 at March 17th 2009



  • $30 in BHVFund -> expect $253 at March 20th 2009



  • €365 in BHVFund -> expect €1769 at April 3rd 2009



  • $100 in GeniusFunds ->expect around $700 at June 2009



  • $1001 in Anoi -> expect $53565 at September 11th 2009



  • $10 in TheStoic -> expect $66 at September 25th 2009



  • $27 in GNI -> no end date specified yet



  • All available daily profit will be compounded at 1% in WOIP


Profitable investments this month:


    • $20 in FXoic -> $22.1 at January 4th 2009


  • $35 in InoFund -> $40.2  at January 6th 2009



  • $49.9 in FXoic -> $55.1 at January 12th 2009



  • $198 in AggeroInvestment -> $252.75 at January 14th 2009



  • $61 in FXoic -> $67.4 at January 18th 2009


Programs with problems:



  • $278 in Largesum -> expect $411 at February 16th 2009



  • $4000 in InoFund -> expect $18067 at March 17th 2009



30dec08: Made preparations for this portfolio
03jan09: Added Revenue-Investment
04jan09: First program FXoic in profit again!
05jan09: Largesum back online!
06jan09: experimental program Now-Invest added
07jan09: sorted pending investments by date, made new investment in FXoic
09jan09: invested in GNI
12jan09: added $500 to total balance in AggeroInvestment
13jan09: made 2 € investments
14jan09: made some large $ investments
19jan09: reinvested again into FXoic
23jan09: withdrawled $175 from balance to spend on nice things
23jan09: this blogpost is discontinued / fully replaced by
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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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