Serving The Planet

Archive | 2008

How much time do you spend a week composing playlists? Years ago (when I ran Linux as my primary OS only) I already had Amarok to do that fully automatic for me (by analyzing the music and selecting similar songs). To get inspired for new songs I can listen to online radio stations like DI.FM, […]

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Screen saver defragmentation

While I remain sceptical about defragmentation programs, more specifically about their performance increase, the main reason I’m not using them at all is that it consumes computing time. We might argue it’s unhealthy the amount of time  I spend behind a PC, but it IS my work, hobby, and most of my leisure. So around […]

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[NL] updates

De regelmatige bezoeker van de Nederlandstalige ‘computernerd’ site, zal het niet ontgaan zijn dat er een aantal belangrijke veranderingen t.o.v. usability zijn doorgevoerd. De drie welke mij het meest aanspreken zijn:   de berekening van de betaal- & verzendkosten in de totaalprijs van producten in de Pricewatch   herstructering van Vraag & aanbod productgroepen.   integratie van Gathering […]

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[NL] Samenvatting Sogeti september

Het is nu ruim 1 maand geleden dat ik in dienst getreden ben bij Sogeti. Ik voel me, wellicht dankzij de uitstekende introductie, professionele werkomgeving, echt 1 met Sogeti. Je merkt echt dat je onderdeel uitmaakt van een grote organisatie. ALLES is tot in kleine details geregeld. En staan ze open voor verbeter voorstellen (dus geen arrogantie!). Het […]

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Trading strategy & Netdania news

We talk a lot about successful Forex trading on this blog lately. While there are 100s of investment strategies, let me tell you how I made another €400 last week. Really simple actually, by just using MPT’s training on momentum trading and the free services of It might look difficult, but even I understand it. […]

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MPT profit week!

Let’s me first start with welcoming two Slovenian traders who joined my team this week. We all made good profit this week guys! “How?!”, you might ask. “Isn’t the USD still decreasing, with the worldwide bank issues?” Yes … and that’s terrific news for MPT Forex traders! Let’s look at three very profitable charts of […]

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Earn With Earnie
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