Serving The Planet

Archive | 2008


Advantages of WorldLotterySyndicate Euromillions lottery

As a promised a Dutch to English translation of this article: “a summary of the major advantages of participating in Euromillions WorldLotterySyndicate”. Instead of playing with 5 numbers and 2 stars, you play in WLS with a group of 25 people, where the total amount of money they would normally pay for lots, is used […]

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Online money opportunities review

With the worldwide exposure of this blog, and my 4 years of online money earning experience, gave me this great idea to publish a review about the current best opportunities. I used a schizophrenic ‘interview-a-like’ questions in between, to make sure most of your answers get answered. The most exposed form of making money online […]

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Change Windows productkey

A friend of mine ran into this problem … If your Windows product key for some reason rendered invalid, is no longer genuine, counterfeited, etc. You can actually buy a product key or legit Windows (second hand would be best) without reinstalling everything. The method for doing so can be found here. When you’re not […]

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Good things in Athens Ohio USA

Tell 3 good things about Ohio Athens USA. Oh that’s easy!   Chinese buffet @ China King for $7.95 … worth atleast $50. Excellent taste, assortment, excellent service and good atmospher.   Bar “Jacky O’s” … for drinking, smoking, talking and playing cards together on the wooden terrace outside     Donkey’s lounge bar with […]

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Forex; great new week opening!

As announced on Saturday; there are again some tremendous opportunities this week for earning money with foreign exchange @ MyPrivateTrade. The pair EUR/USD opened 200 pips lower than Friday, and is still decreasing. USD/JPY opened about 100 pips lower, EUR/JPY even over 300 pips and GBP/USD is steady right now. There have been some suggestive […]

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Mobile processors benchmarklist

How fast (or should I say slow) is a Atom N270 (most commonly used in netbooks) really? made a nice overview. To make a shortlist. It’s comparable to a Celeron M353, P4M-1.7, or P3M-1200. That’s nice, but not on par with the bigger notebooks, but you knew that already didn’t ya? Just saying to […]

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