Serving The Planet

Archive | 2008


Late dec08 updates

As the regular visitor of this blog might have noticed, there have been some fairly huge changes:   there has been a shift of focus from earning extra money from just “HYIP & Autosurf” to all 3 succesful concepts I work with to earn extra money every month.   that said, I’m receiving an unexpected […]

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Mercury: Java MSN Messenger client

The problem you have when you have a Mac or Linux computer in communicating with users that have MSN messenger, that you are having a hard time trying to get the webcam to work (if it’s even possible at all). 4 years ago a smart guy from The Netherlands, had the solution: a platform in-dependable […]

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My MacOSX upgrade thoughts

It’s no secret I’m in love with MacOSX for many years already, however I do not have a Mac OS at the moment. The only reason why is: money, and that I need to have Microsoft Windows for a certain set of applications. What if I had the required money? Would a buy a Mac? […]

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How to turn $100 into $1000

Today I got this great idea: To help 9 more people in the next 30 days turn a $100 investment into $1000 capital. Yes … that is a 900% increase; $900 profit! By following the steps I provide at “  HYIP & Autosurf” and follow my personal advice to the letter YOU can reach your […]

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Netbook touchscreen kits

This week a new touchscreen kit designed for Samsung NC10 netbooks hitted eBay for about $99. The kit comes from the same folks ( who brought us touchscreen kits for 8.9 inch netbooks including the Asus Eee PC 900/901, Acer Aspire One and 10.2 inch laptops including the Eee PC 1000 series and the MSI […]

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Internet Disrupts Across Asia

The have been reports of a disruption in the Internet network across Asia. Bypasses for the problem will be placed this christmas, actual problem fix might take till the end of the year. This affects accessing sites like for example (which has it’s server in Vietnam). The administrator of the program was so nice […]

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100.000 Windows Drivers

Probably the best torrent release of 2008: 100.000 Windows Drivers for VISTA+XP+ME+98+95+2000+2003 ! No more need to spend hours on-line browsing for drivers. Just pop the Universal Driver DVD in and Windows will automatically search the comprehensive drivers. This DVD, (Iso format) contains software drivers for over 100,000 hardware components from brands such as Dell, […]

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Earn With Earnie
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