Serving The Planet

Archive | 2008


Samsung NC10 netbook

 I was reserving funds for a MSI Wind Love Edition netbook, but just read the Samsung NC10 is widely available in the Netherlands. Advantages over the MSI Wind: better position of Fn/Ctrl keys, multi touchpad, 2.5x more battery life(!!), better casing construction, full size < > keys, near silent fan operation, no ticking harddrive, standard […]

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[NL] Kortingscodes

Je kent het wel, je shopped op een online pagina en je ziet dat — wanneer je een couponcode zou hebben — korting kunt krijgen. Helaas zonder code geen korting. biedt u een overzicht van deze gratis te gebruiken kortingscodes. Doe er uw voordeel mee! No related posts.

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Asus Eee Top – All-in-one PC with touchscreen

“All-in-one” PC become more and more popular this days, with Apple Macs leading on this market. Surely, why keep clumsy and noisy black box under your desk with ton of wires hanging, when you can use stylish and wire-free all-in-one PC that sits on your desk and attracts attention? While this market is captured by […]

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I am Linux Certified Professional level 1!

As of today I’m an official certified Linux Professional! When you have a look at the objectives of LPIC-1, it sounds easy, but trust me … it really isn’t. For example: you have to remember every single parameter of most used commands, and a lot of Linux legacy compatibility of the past 10 years. My […]

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