Serving The Planet

Exit Euphony, welcome MPT!

Three days ago I’ve decided not to continue with my Euphony business consultancy. I’ve been involved with Euphony — one way or the other — for exactly 50 months (4 years and 2 months). Euphony offers tremendous opportunities in saving and earning money, on services everybody uses everyday anyway. I was successful (read: earned more than the mini-franchise cost me), however I didn’t become financially independable … and Euphony is not to blame for that. I just didn’t work hard and committed enough. I did learn a  lot about multi level / relation marketing, personal growth and I am saving a substantial amount of money on especially my mobile phone bill every month.

However, I think the time is right for me now, to pursue just 1 opportunity instead of several the past few years next to the businesses I’ve ran. It’s insane really, how many things I’ve tried to do at the same time. None of them really failed, but none of them really gave me the profit I’m dreaming about either. For the next year I want to focus on my 2 passions: my IT job, and especially ‘online investing’  with (MPT). Why MPT?

I like the way MyPrivateTrade is set up:


    • Trading Forex is not for everybody. It requires a certain ‘kind’ of people with entrepreneur skills, open mindset, be able to learn from each other, not afraid of losing, that you have to take risks to gain more, who have networking as a second nature, etc.


  • you can earn substantial amounts of money / be succesful by just trading without ever ‘recruiting’ anyone (becoming a trader)



  • you can introduce people from all over the world and as a reward receive commission on their trades (becoming an agent)



  • the ‘service’  MPT provides is the same in any country over the world; easy to duplicate!



  • you can open up a new country whenever you like, you don’t have to wait for management to do so; infact management supports you to do so



  • my team is sharing the vision of MPT management


The success me and my team have made with MPT over the last few days is mind-blowing! I invite you to join us for free (by opening a demo account) to have a peek in the MPT kitchen! I’ve been looking at it as of late 2006, but now it’s the right time to join in.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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