Serving The Planet

HYIP: Anoi

I’ve been part of the investment program called Anoi since October 4th 2008.

What made me didn’t like it at first, were the low interest percentages. But that changed yesterday when receiving this message:

Dear investors and partners!

As we informed earlier we are now developing the anti-crisis solution that would allow our investors to make profit and earn a fortune in the most secured and guaranteed way. Analyzing the requests of our customers, we have decided to make it possible accepting the Bankwire, Credit Card and AlertPay transfer as the deposit and withdrawal means for all groups of investors worldwide. It used to be open before for limited investors. Starting from the following week, bankwire transfer will become available for the majority. Hope this feature would be useful and make our cooperation more pleasant and convenient both for us and our investors.
To make a deposit with this methods, you need to log into ANOI account, access ‘Deposit’ area and follow the instructions we provide there.
In case you have any inquiries or questions regarding the new payment method opportunity, contact the Support Department.

Best regards, ANOI Team
American (Network of Online Investment / Century New Oppor II Inv)
ANOI & ANOIX, Oak Street Kansas City MO 64111 – US
US: +1 (913) 871-0727, Switzerland: +41 (44) 586 74 97

That’s very nice! Infact that moves the program to the top of my investment ‘hotlist’; invested $1001 for 240 days at 3% a day with 50% compounding. Other nice site features.


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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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