Serving The Planet

Only 1 mail & new MSN messenger account

I signed up with Hotmail as an e-mail service at April 7th 1997. The instant messenger account I used back then was of ICQ. When Microsoft took over Hotmail, and a little later introduced the very successful MSN Messenger, it was clear they had a winner on their hands.

What has annoyed me for years however is the hotmail e-mail functionality. When a friend of mine invited me to tryout I was hooked instantly! Gmail offers so much more! POP3/IMAP support, advanced catalog system, advanced skins, fast search, plugin support, larger mailbox, option to send larger attachment, better spamfilter, etc. etc. And more important with my Gmail account I’m also able to access Google Docs.

Last year I already cancelled my yahoo e-mail account, now it’s time to delete my Hotmail account too. “But what about your MSN messenger account then?” It’s pretty easy really to setup any e-mail address to be used as Passport / Windows Live account and thus make it valid as MSN messenger address. My new MSN messenger account is therefore the same as my only e-mail account:

Note: I’ve never understood why serious business owners and hobbyists use a free mail account system instead of the usual info @ … well I do for about a 8 months now, and it’s been a blessing … and more important easy to duplicate!

“So you have only 1 e-mail account?” Yes … however I understand you might be confused. My businesscard for example displays This is nothing more then a placeholder aka alias for . With 1 e-mail account I can now assure everybody that any request or question will be picked up within 8 hours, and you get response within 24hours!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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