Serving The Planet

SolidTrustPay VISA Debit Card

23 january 2009 I ordered my SolidTrustPay (STP) VISA debitcard through something called ‘FedEx International-address on carrier’. First time for everything

For people that don’t know what or who STP is yet. It’s an e-currency payprocessor. Most commonly used in the ‘High Yield Investment Program’ (HYIP) business. You can fund them directly through your bankaccount (as I silently did last week; not going to disclose what amount). And as stated before you can join HYIPs/Autosurfs that support STP, to increase your balance. So when you pay attention to what you are buying with the STP Visa Debit Card, you can actually keep your balance equity while you spend money! Ain’t that cool or what?

About the Debit Card:

STPay is pleased to offer stored value debit cards to VERIFIED Members through its relationship with the Global Bank of Commerce and Visa International. The STPay card can be used with over 12 million merchants, on the Internet and for cash withdrawals at over 840,000 ATMs globally.

Our debit cards are very easy to use. They are a multi-functional VISA card and can be used wherever VISA is accepted.

Features and Benefits

* Pay as you go – YOU are in control
* No credit Check Required
* Use like any regular Visa Credit/Debit Card
* World Wide acceptance
* Use online or at any VISA authorized retail store
* Secure Transactions
* Instant card to card transfers to any other STPay VISA card holder
* Immediate access to your cash at ATM’s worldwide
* Convenient account balance & history access via your personal VISA web portal
* Low account usage fees – more cash in your pocket!


* Option 1: $30 card purchase cost
(includes regular shipping, account activation fee & registration fee)
* Option 2: $75 card purchase cost
(FedEx shipping, account activation fee and registration fee)
* Monthly maintenance fee: $5.00
* ATM cash withdrawal fee: $5.00
* Point of Sale fee (per transaction): $1.50
* Send funds from your STPay account to your debit card: $5.00 per load
* Maximum load size: $3500
* Maximum monthly card balance: $8500

For more information contact our VISA Support Centre:

Something nice to mention after purchase is this:

Thank you for your Debit Card Application!


Our card issuing provider is the Globe Wallet Debit card company. Your email will be coming from them. It will contain your card number, PIN and online access to your new debit card account. You can expect to receive this email within 3 – 5 days. Once received, your card will be mailed to you as per your request. Do NOT delete or lose the email.

Thank you for using SolidTrust Pay – Your Money, Your Way!

Update 27jan09: received the e-mails with the pincodes!
Update 30jan09:
I’ve been a few days at my mom’s place to gain strength again. Today I came home, and got an A4 size envelop from FedEx USA!!! This thing is real guys! I have the STP VISA debitcard laying in front of me! Oh … something to pay attention to, regarding funding the debit card from your STP account:

Please take note of the following withdrawal processing times

STP VISA Debit Card: 1 – 2 business days
INCLUDING the day of your request but NOT weekends/holidays

ATTENTION – if you would like your STPay VISA Debit card or VirtualMoney ATM card funded within 30 minutes (during regular business hours) send an email to: Provide your username and brief message. We will complete your request within 1 hour!
NOTE – a 2% surcharge will apply.

Update 30jan09-2: It’s Friday evening in my timezone (GMT+1), but in the USA it’s afternoon, so … I applied for emency funding and damnit (sorry about the bad language, but my enthusiasm has gone through the roof) … THAT works too. My VISA card has been creditted and is ready for action!

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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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