Serving The Planet

Phasing out

It’s sometimes amazes me as well, what kind of decisions I can make that have a huge positive impact on my life. Yesterday afternoon one of the most successful HYIP programs collapsed under it’s own pressure: Premium Ads Club. So got another confirmation about a good decision I made 2 days ago. 100% of the programs in the HYIP industry will go collapse eventually. Scam … or not, doesn’t matter. Therefore this industry is more like a gambling game. When you are aware of the risks however, you can make a substantial amount of money. However, I don’t really recommend this kind of  ‘opportunities’ to my friends very often. Since it’s pretty hard to predict when a program goes down. And most of the time my friends are newcomers to this business, and after a program goes down become you get exactly what people are so afraid of; bad personal relationships.

Most programs currently rely on HYIP investments. So I will phasing out this type of ‘earning money’ (it’s more like losing actually). I will be focussing more attention on MLM opportunities, with the best one being of course Success University. Technically speaking a Multi Level Marketing opportunity ain’t an online investment, but a business investment. Therefore it’s return does not solely depend on passing time, but most on your and team effort. And … therefore it should not be mentioned on

That’s why I made the decision to break the link between this blog and, by not promoting it more than necessary on this blog. The following content can therefore be  concluded as RIP:

My core business: high yield online investments. A dollar invested at 10% interest becomes a million in 56 years. In other words, anyone can become a millionaire by investing only a dollar a day – 30 bucks a month. If you want to become a millionaire faster, invest more money or find ways to make your money grow at higher rates of return. For monitoring and sharing my success I use the domainnames aka

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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