Serving The Planet

Vodafone Passport

Last week we wrote something about free International cellphone roaming with United Mobile (short: UM). The biggest advantage of UM is the cost advantage for the owner, however the biggest disadvantage, that it’s very expensive for somebody to call you. Therefore it’s not useful for my purposes.

A friend of mine came up with Vodafone Passport (NL). However most of my Success University team is from the UK. Thefore it’s wiser to buy a Vodafone Passport (UK). Available for both Vodaphone subscription as prepaid solutions.

How does it work?

With Vodafone Passport you can use your mobile abroad as often as you like. Whether you’re a pay monthly or pay as you talk customer* you just pay a 75p connection fee each time you make a call and, after that, you’re charged at your usual home tariff. You can even use any inclusive minutes your have in your bundle.

A ten minute call home can now cost you as little as 75p

Let’s say you’re a pay monthly customer with ten or more inclusive minutes still left on your plan, you can make a ten minute call to the UK from Spain and the call will only cost you 75p. The same applies to pay as you talk customers with voice pack minutes.

If you don’t have any minutes left, don’t worry. Once you’ve paid your 75p connection fee, you can chat away as though you’re at home, knowing that the rest of the call is at your usual UK tariff.

Because we like things simple, we’ve kept the same connection fee for incoming calls. All you pay is 75p per call.


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tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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