Serving The Planet

Few changes to Genius

I moved this program from HYIP to “Private Investments”, cause of it’s solid trackrecord. A few changes though to Genius.

As of 30/03/2009, further investments into Genius CD account will not be accepted.  Existing deposits will mature and become available for withdrawal as planned.  We plan to introduce a new product that will succeed Genius CD in the near future.  Our financial management team has been working on its successor for more than two months. If you have any questions regarding this matter, let me know.

Genius CD account, was 6% a month for 3 months. I’m glad this program is changing into something else. Another change:

At Genius, we are committed to constantly improving the quality of services that we provide to our investors.  Due to numerous requests by our investors, we have decided to introduce AlertPay payment system.  AlertPay is now connected and operational.  You can use it to make deposits with Genius using your credit card, ACH debit or wire transfer.

Best Regards,
George Schale,
Genius Investments Limited
Tel. +44 200 222 7598
Fax. +44 20 7855 0844

I’ve been with Genius for almost a year now. Total Return of Investment has been more than 1020% !

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