Serving The Planet

My impression of Quatro after 13 months

Over the past few months I made a few claims that I’ve been in Quatro for about 3 years. Cause that’s how long it feels, but 2months ago, when I was actively starting to attend presentations again, I learned that Quatro officially opened it’s doors to the public in September 2008.

So doing some research — on my own blog (*oops*) — I learned that I joined Quatro in March 2009. I must have been confused with MyPrivateTrade (Forex only company).

The past few months we had an officially approved Quatro teampage (of which I was the site admin). What started as simple project, turned into a huge international project. With extremely hard work & commitment, my total organisation in Quatro grew in 2 months time from 3 personal signups and a small team, to a global team of about 300 people! So definitely been successful in this entrepreneurial undertaking! However …

update 25May10:

I’m a professional network marketer, and what you will learn over time is you can only become massively successful when you focus on a single company. Quatro is an amazing company, but a different  project I’ve been part of for a while now better suits my needs and goals. I will keep on investing in Quatro, but my networking efforts will go to a different company. Meaning: I will only be active  in Quatro as an investor from now on and no longer as an independent networker.

P.S. opposed to earlier postings on, the Quatro teamsite has been removed (and pointing to this post) as I no longer like to carry the responsibility for it. There was nothing really on the site anyway (besides some vids of Robert Kiyosaki). Moreover Quatro will deliver their new website system (which incorporates referral URLs) very soon. Don’t let my decision affect yours. If you love what you do & do what you love, getting paid what you are worth while making a global positive shift? Then stick to it!

When you’ve come to this page to find information about Quatro WorldWide? I would kindly ask you to contact the person who referred you to this page! If you don’t know who referred you, OR you’re in my Quatro team and like to receive updates regarding — for example — Qcoopers? Then please contact my former sponsor, ‘next in line’, and Quatro independent networker  Hans. He’ll be happy to assist you!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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