Serving The Planet

Running Dune 2000 in XP

Below a small excerpt from superweapons and superunits from mother of RTS-gaming: Dune 2000 – airstrike, fremen, saboteur, Death Hand missile. In fact, Dune 2000 is not from C&C series, but it follows all canon of it and made by same studio.

What to do to make the Dune 2000 XP game work in XP, Vista or Win7:

1) install the game
2) apply the 1.06 patch, which can be downloaded here for free
3) Simply go into properties of “dune2000.exe” and select compatibility mode to “win98/ME” or “win2000”
4) start the game AND do not forget to select 8bit mode from the game properties in the opening menu of Dune2000. Yes the menu will still be 1/3 vs. 2/3 of the screen, but at least you are able to play the game!

Have fun! I’m sure I did!

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