Serving The Planet

Problems with Blogger Dynamic Views?

Yes there are some challenges when you migrate your conventional blog to a relavitely new “dynamic views”  template. Doing some research I found this excellent post describing most of them:
However the pro’s won from the con’s + adding some of my personal reasons:
  • Due to use of latest HTML5 / Ajax / CSS3 it’s fast! It’s said to be 40% faster … well okay I can SEE that. Moreover it has non-fixed / fluid design, so (new) iPad or Full HD screen users get the full experience.
  • You have no control over the body, widgets, and thus you cannot add advertisements of some sort. GREAT! Was wasting way too much time on that, and my entire blog is more an enclycopedia and journal anyway.
  • It’s been said to be not SEO-friendly … not a problem for me. It’s a journal. When I share great stuff for some one else? Great! If it’s not useful? Well, it was to me!
  • ‘Only’ 3 social media like buttons: Google+, FaceBook and Twitter. Fantasic! Only the important ones.
  • “read more” / jump break not functioning. So you have to run through all posts manually (as you cannot get database access). This process took me 3 hours to ‘fix’ 426 blogposts. However it was a nice exercise also in removing out-of-date content (information wise).What pleases me even more is when I write a blogpost I no longer have to worry where to split my text with a “read more” link. Saving me time and agony.
  • No FaceBook fanpage box. Don’t need one, due to my Digital Diet March 2012 and Digital Diet September 2011.
  • Automatic thumbnail creation (at random)
  • 700px wide post size … that’s big enough for post my Talk Fusion content!
  • It’s been said you cannot change the favicon. Really? Cause I changed it from a Diamond into the current one (Palm Tree).
  • It’s been said you cannot add any custom links? That’s a wrong assumption as well. As you can add a “linked list” to the right of the screen. Update March 24th 2012: and very much possible to create a top menu bar as well with pages!
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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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