Serving The Planet

Team EMG – Empower Mastermind Group – Vision May 2013

Due to a fortunate(!) chain of events — by asking myself a critical question — we’ve decided to carry our ‘team idea’ to a whole new level.

Team EMG – Empowered Mastermind Group

Update 12Jul13: created this promo movie below …


Empowered Mastermind Group is a collection of like minded Entrepreneurs sharing their knowledge, skills and secrets to bring YOU tools to Create Traffic – Capture Leads – Convert Sales… Bringing YOUR Business and Income to the next level.


Empowered Mastermind Group(EMG), was established in early 2013 by

Ernst ‘Rhyker’ Kasteleijn
Chameleon squid serial support engineer & troubleshooter good at many things he puts his mind to. Born nerd, 25+ years of experience in everything in and around computers, internet, tools development, team training, etc.

Terje Sannarnes —- Entrepeneur and Expert in SEO and SEM, Mentor, Motivation and Mindset training, Lead Generation Expert, badass blogger.

Rune Johan Larsen —- Entrepeneur and Expert in SEO and SEM, Automation King and Professional Work Smart not Hard, Research and Development Guru.

James Galloway —- Entrepeneur and Expert in SEO, Team Building, Web Design, Web Development, Mobile APP’s, Marketing, Social Media, Video and Email Marketing, Motivation and Mindset Mapping, Empower others to believe in them self and to motivate others.

Collectively we have hit leaderboards in multiple opportunities and have helped many others to do the same.

Our Moto: Help others to achieve what they want in life and yours will be given


Our Mission… is to spread wealth and prosperity with anybody willing to work for it. If we can make millionaires within a year from this posting then we are on target… OUR MISSION is to make as many families financially free as possible, to enjoy life as intended


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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