Serving The Planet

GVO Pure Leverage Short User Review June 2013

For weeks I’ve been pitched about GVO’s latest creation: Pure Leverage. Let’s have a look into the kitchen.

What is Pure Leverage?

Basically a ‘next level’ toolbox (compared to for any online entrepreneur. To read more about what it is and how it compares to GVO? Checkout this Preview blogpost.

Pure Leverage Short User Review June 2013

Instead let’s dive straight into what I like and don’t like so far And yup I’m feared and known for my honesty at first impressions.

The Good

  • Joel Therien is an experienced Internet Marketer and great CEO (a company can only rise to the level of it’s leadership)
  • Low trial startup fee of $1
  • Low monthly costs: $19.96mo or $199.70/year (two months free) to be affiliate
  • Interesting compensation plan: 100% commission on first sale, 50% on recurring sales, 50% matching bonus
  • Can be bought as an upgrade to GVO (same opportunity, different product)
  • Excellent Internet Marketing training and internet advertising resources
  • Fantastic Dashboard & lead capture pages
  • Part of EZmoneyFormula system

The Bad

What is “bad” about Pure Leverage? Plus why it is bad.

  • It’s been said — by fellow marketers — that GVO builds their list through our efforts. Even if that would be the case? The benefits outweigh the disadvantages.
  • has an inferior / flash only webmeeting platform (would rather use Google Hangout or TeamViewer 8 Free), but it’s useful for some solutions.
  • Promise of Authority blog, but just an announcement. Rather use Empower Network anyway.
  • Video Email is buggy, nowhere near as advanced as Talk Fusion (problems with saving video after recording in Google Chrome, limited templates, not so pretty when receiving an email) … but it IS using 720p HD! Which is great for other solutions and I’m thankful to have a solution like this again (was searching for it).

Conclusion: Would I Buy IT again?

I didn’t buy it the first time, second and third time when I was prospected about it. However I did buy in — at an instant — because of the smart marketing EZmoneyFormula system. It simply opens up a 3rd passive income stream, with the same amount of effort. Actually less effort, cause prospecting Empower Network suddenly has become a LOT easier as well!

And with $19.97 to maintain the product it’s a cheaper alternative to Empower Network Video Hosting solution.

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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