Serving The Planet

My Top 50 Google Chrome Apps & Extensions

I’m a diehard user of Google Chrome. Been using it like forever, and the reason why is because of it’s super powerful extension platform. I have many installed, but only using a subset — most of the time — due to memory constraints and keeping my toolbar comprehendible :)

My Top 50 Google Chrome

While compiling the list it seems Chrome still doesn’t separate extensions from Apps. Apps basically are only shortcuts to services offered online / in the cloud.


  • Calculator
  • Google Docs | Create and edit Documents
  • Google Slides | Create and edit presentations
  • Hangouts Calls | Launch hangouts from within the browser
  • imo messenger | Chat with friends on Facebook, Google Talk and more, and join the imo Network today to discover people and topics you care about.


  • Adblock Plus | The free adblock tool for Chrome; Blocks Annoying video ads on YouTube, Facebook, Banners and much more. Review on this blog
  • Alexa Traffic Rank | The official alexa traffic rank extensions, providing Alexa Traffic Rank and site information when click
  • Auto Replay for YouTube | Adds an Auto Replay button in YouTube Page.
  • Avast! Online Security | Review on this blog
  • Better History | a better look at your browsing history. The best searching, the sharpest interface, and the most useful filters for your history
  • Better Pop Up Blocker | Improves the Google Chrome pop up blocker by blocking pop up windows opened by javascript & other annoyances that it misses.
  • Bitly | save, share and bundle your links
  • Blog This! | Adds a Blogthis! button to the browser toolbar, which lets you post to your Blogger blog from any webpage with just one click
  • Blogger Dynamic Views | Forces Blogger Dynamic Views
  • Button | Adds a button to Chrome so you can easily play all Digitally Import Streams
  • Downloads | access the downloads window directly from the toolbar
  • DuckDuckGo for Chrome | DDG enhancements for Chrome
  • Eye Dropper |  open source extension which allows you to pick colors from web pages, color picker and your personal color history
  • Fast QR-Code Generator | Generate QR Codes
  • Firebug Lite for Chrome | famous Firebug plugin for Chrome
  • FVD Video Downloader | Easy Video downloader (not for Youtube, but MP3 or Flash games)
  • URL Shortener | Shorten URL with, the Google URL shortener, and share with many different service!
  • Google Calender Checker (by Google) | Quickly see the time until your next meeting from any of your calenders.
  • Google Font Previewer for Chrome | Let’s you choose a font from the Google Font Directory with a few text styling options, and preview then on the current tab.
  • Google Similar Pages beta (by Google) | Discover webpages similar to the page you’re currently browsing
  • Google Translate | this extension translates entire webpages into a language of your choice with one click
  • HootSuite Hootlet | Quickly share web pages to all of your social networks. Review on this blog
  • HTML Validator | Tool to validate HTML for the current wegpage
  • LastPass | Free password manager and form filler.
  • Open with Google Docs | Open online PDF, Doc, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, RTF, ODT, ODS, ODP, CSV, etc. files using Google Docs and Zoho
  • Pendule | Web developer tools for Chrome
  • Print Extension | Prints Pages in Chrome
  • Rapportive | Making email a better place
  • RSS Live Links | Your RSS/Atom feeds as bookmarks and a whole lot more
  • SearchPreview | Adds preview images (thumbnails) to Your Google Search
  • Send from Gmail (by Google) | Makes gmail your default email application and provides a button to compose a Gmail message to quickly share a link via email
  • SEO & Website Analysis | SEO & Website Analysis by WooRank is an SEO extension for Google Chrome tthat provides a deep SEO analysis covering more than 80 SEO and Usability criterias
  • Session Manager | let’s you save sessions of your opened tabs and windows, and to quickly re-open them whenever you like
  • Sight | The Syntax Highlighter for Chrome
  • Silver Bird | a Twitter extension that allows you to follow your timelines and interact with you Twitter account
  • Skype Links | Makes callto: links out of phone numbers on the page, so you can click them to dial with Skype
  • Speed Dial | replace Chrome new tabwith your predefined visual bookmarks
  • StayFocusd | increases your productivity by limiting the amount of time that you can spend on time-wasting websites
  • Stylebot | Adapt the web’s appereance
  • Summer Social Bar | get your own customized toolbar that automatically appears whenever you share a link on social media
  • SuperSorter | Clean up your bookmark mess! Sort bookmarks recursively, delete duplicates, merge folders, sort automatically, etc. Review on this blog.
  • Tab Menu | Select, close, rearrange, and search your tabs from a toolbar menu!
  • Text URL Linker | replace URL With link element
  • Universal Search & IE8 Accelerators | Universal Search is the missing search tools for chrome, includes searchbox with suggestions, highlight search and IE8 accelerators
  • Unofficial Google Tasks | Acces your Google Tasks easily with Chrome
  • Waste Your Time | Measuring how long your spend at websites
  • Web Developer | Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools (officially ported from Firefox)
  • Webpage & WebCam Screenshot | The most powerful and popular Free extension for capture whole page, save PNG and edit / annotate / share to your favorite social net.
  • Window Resizer | Resize browser window to emulate various screen resolutions
  • WiseStamp | Empower gmail, Google Mail, (hotmail), AOL and yahoo mail with dynamic email signatures. Add facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest and more.
  • Word Count | Counts the words and characters in your selection
  • World Clocks | Interactive analog and digital clocks with times over 400 cities in the world
  • YouTube Options | Disabled annoying things in YouTube and other video sites.

Need help or guidance in using any of these plugins? to your rescue!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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