Serving The Planet

Food For Thought: A Little Summertime Rant ….

This was just shared by a fellow Digital Nomad on my FaceBook Profile.

She’s from the USA … where everything is very different of course.

Food For Thought

My question to you: Does the rant below, apply to Europe too?

A Little Summertime Rant ….

Nothing burns me MORE than when people, even friends and family mock what I “do for a living”. If I can work from the beach, it doesn’t seem like “real work”. If I can take a week off to be with my family and don’t have to ask anyone’s permission, it seems like a myth…

People are SO quick to judge, call MLM a “pyramid scheme” that isn’t really a “real job”…We don’t “put in a hard days work”, if you make THAT much money, it MUST be a scam…

While you’re judging us, let’s look at YOUR life Mr. W2:

1. You work for someone else and are building THEIR dream, THEIR fortune and THEIR retirement. How does THAT feel?

2. You have to punch in and punch out when THEY say you can: take vacation, sick days, lunch breaks and days off when they allow it. How does THAT feel?

3. Work for a set amount with small, 3% raises per year, if you’re lucky and don’t have personality conflicts with others in the office.

4. You will work for 40 hours a week, for 40 years, get a watch and a store bought cake for your retirement and try to live for the remainder of your life off 40% of what you earned while you work.

5. You think this is “the American Dream?” because 70-80% of people do it? College, get a job, work hard, save, retire??

Let me tell you the American Dream. We live in a time and a land of Prosperity. I work harder and longer hours today than I EVER did for a BOSS (ever notice that is double S.O.B. backwards?). I set my own schedule, make my own goals, and have an uncapped earning potential in the business that I CHOSE (oh yes, it’s a choice). I can work when I want, from where I want and give myself a raise whenever I want.

And for those of you who say Network marketing “doesn’t work” – it does if you do. It’s not NOTwork Marketing. It’s Network Marketing….Marketing to your network. It works when you treat it like a business…

You see, the opposite of Success is not Failure: it’s conformity. It’s mediocrity.

If you like your cozy little comfort zone of your stable (HA!) 40 hour a week job, I am ok with that….but don’t get in the way of the 5% who want The REAL AMERICAN DREAM!!!

Now stop reading this because your boss is watching over your shoulder…and he doesn’t look happy…

Rant over…Happy Monday!!!


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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