Serving The Planet

#connectgiveshare Review

Have you seen the ConnectGiveShare Promotion movie?

Introduction: Reality Check

It’s 2014, still recession and the reality is, that almost every individual has little to no advertising budget … (TCGS) is a ingenious customer referral umbrella, founded in January 2014 by several leaders and product enthusiasts, and a follow up to an older system known as the TeamBuilder. From a technical perspective teambuilding systems work great, but people’s mindset around it is flawd. With TCGS we are going to correct those mistakes. If  you’ve come to this site to make money on auto-pilot? Then this will happen: within 60-90 days you will quit with all our recommendations. Not because there’s something wrong with the company /  product / service / opportunity / support / compensation plan they offer. On the contrary! But if you never learned how to build a business? Or if it’s only about making money? You will fail …

Become a Product of the Product

TCGS is designed to help everybody run break-even on the hottest product offerings in the online market space. By becoming a customer of a product / service and telling others about it online, you’ve become what most traditional companies refer to as a Product or Brand Ambassador. The difference with the  companies we endorse on this site, is that they offer you ‘cash-backs’, be a free customer … or even make money! Not just once, but also passive income. Think about it! You basically are getting paid to become a happy customer! (stealing is more expensive)

Products we promote

We got something for everybody (explore these tabs). And by using our system everybody can be break-even on costs, and then … decide to make money or not. A few quick facts about our matrix:

  • we’ve done all the due diligence for you, to bring you only the best companies and their productline(s).
  • it’s as simple as clicking a tab, deciding if you like what you see, buy, get an optional affiliate account, and next tab.
  • by share thing everybody gets 2 potential customers for free!

Philosophy: Give, Connect, Share

“Where do the customers come from?” Great question! Usually the question goes more like this though “Where’s my ConnectGiveShare referral link?”. Why? You probably failed all those other times doing that …

Profits > Costs = Happy faces > retention!

So … unless you acquired the skills to be(come) a super star producer, you will notice that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And we’ve put that to a halt by giving everybody in our team(s) their first two signups for free. With an average 50-80% per sale that equals … PROFIT! We see more happy faces in the team. People for the first time in their life are making money online! Imagine what does does to their believe level?

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It doesn’t matter how you call it; MLM, word-of-mouth, network, affiliate, and/or referral marketing. It simply is the smartest way for any company & consumer to make money on a product/service they use at minimum or no cost!

By sharing 1 site, we all give away signups, to those who deserve it most. Keeps retention high  (happy customers) in our teams, which means more longterm passive / residual income, which means bigger pay checks for … everybody! 

Engineering your success,

  Teamleaders of

P.S. have you shared this website already by using the social share buttons below? Cause that’s how we roll …

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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