Serving The Planet

Talk Fusion Review 2014 and FREE Alternatives

Alright .. this is an interesting story. If you are connected with Rhyker on LinkedIN, then you know that he has been with Talk Fusion before, left, reactivated, left, reactivated, left. And we’re back. And for very good and specific reasons.

Cause Rhyker? Is a product junky. So it has to have superior benefits next to what I’m already using.

Talk Fusion Free Alternatives

From an autoresponder perspective? Nothing beats GetResponse (first 30 days for free), right? For 1on1 conversation, nothing beats Skype, right? For small group webcasting for upto 20 people nothing beats (free) TeamViewer, right? For video hosting and viral video? Nothing beats YouTube, right? For 1-to-many video distribution nothing beats (free) app, right? For YouTube hosting / syndication to a blog, nothing beats IC-ToolSuite (costs pennies), right? For large scale webinars nothing beats Google Hangout, right? Wrong; sound delays

Then why be a customer of Talk Fusion!?

… cause nothing beats instant pay! Only Bitcoin-Economy, comes as a close second. Moreover, although GetResponse combined with YouTube is really cool? You’re basically guiding people to your video content. Forbes, Gartner Research and several other ‘technology trend watchers’ all say the same thing; video email has MUCH higher response ratio’s; as you bring video to people; they can’t ignore!

Talk Fusion Video email User Review

And we can vouch for that! I’ve also got an IT company, and when I’m selling laptops at a discount? I make 1 or no sales when using GetResponse, I made 3 sales by using Talk Fusion video email (and get ~5 computer service requests) with 1000+ premade templates, custom template, in 23 languages! Why? People are tired of mass mail communication. Personal communication and branding; that’s what it’s all about again in 2014!

So I’m using GetResponse to syndicate my RSS feed by weekly emails, but I’m back to Talk Fusion video email to correspond with my memberbase in much directer way; a sort of digital version of direct mail campaigns.

Talk Fusion Alternatives vs. ZERO competition

And yes … we tried PureLeverage in 2013. Their video email supposingly is ‘competing’ with Talk Fusion? No it’s not, PL is rubbish! PL’s hosting is rubbish too btw (get IC-ToolSuite instead). We also tried iWowWe before (HD video support, but limited templates and not multi-lingual and no instant-pay).  Talk Fusion? Rocks; also because of a Binairy compensation plan (spill-over!!), 10% matching bonuses, etc. $125 one-time fee to get started with video email and a low $20 monthly subscription fee; affordable! Worth the money! Moreover … with their new website, Mercedes Madness car bonus program, twin holiday incentive, their new awesome “Connect” webcasting platform (beats GoToMeeting!) you have a product offer that’s hard to refuse for any online marketer!

That’s why Talk Fusion is back! Take the tour … (you’ll be blown away)

Bonus #1: Dash for the Cash incentive going on! Get paid $150-1200 EXTRA!

Bonus #2: download FREE Talk Fusion App for iPad/iPhone/iPod or Android

P.S. joining our team from The Netherlands? We even have custom made product flyers in Dutch! To lead with value, instead of compensation. And yes this is a real company. Registered with DSA and here’s a picture of your Connect Give Share admin (the guy with the keycard) with the founder of Talk Fusion: Bob Reina and few people from our Dutch team:

Take the tour at the brand new website, and I’m sure you will be sold before the movie has ended too!

P.S. and worried about not getting any cycle bonuses? Difficult to balance legs in a binary? TCGS …

Update: going through the Diamond Rush Guide as we speak. No more bulky complicated bibles to go through! 12 pages of what exactly you need to do to build your business; loving IT! The new backend? just like the frontend? Absolutely stunning gorgeous!

Update2: and Talk Fusion “connect” (one of the latest products?) ** yaw dropping to the floor **

Ha! Goodbye Teamviewer; from now on using connect! Take the tour for more good stuff & just get in!

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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