Serving The Planet

Best Computer and Tech Support Service Desk of 2014?

okay …. here we go again …


been a while

(based on something I just read)

Do you know what skills are?

How long it takes to become great at something?

Are you sure?

Ok here’s a little test.

Who do you call, when you are ill and need medicine?
Your plumber?

Or what about when you have a problem with your roof?
Your MD (doctor) ?

So when you have a serious computer problem, and you call a helpdesk that has 1st line employees with no degree in anything computer related (cause they are just part-time students trying to make a quick buck to pay for their beers). Why is it you expect a proper answer? Or … even a solution?

Why don’t they hire IT guys? Cause they are too expensive. And even if they have them? They don’t come to the phone to speak to you, cause actual IT guys? Aren’t great communicators  You’re reading the perfect example of it right now

How do I know with 100% certainty? Cause I trained 10 of them when I worked at ASUS Europe HQ. And while I was doing that on the internal messenger? I was answering mainboard support tickets for ASUS international AND if that wasn’t enough? Just answering the phones like everybody else. Plus I also did some beta testing and linux kernel engineering at WiFi Routers for ASUS Taiwan. And still I didn’t feel challenged, the salary sucked … but I loved what I was doing. Now that’s 8(!!!) years ago. What I’ve done after that? Soooo much. Overqualified it’s called.

So IF you have a computer problem? Oh yeah baby …. bring it onnnnn! Fixing your problems? Literally is my pleasure. Do I know everything? Nope, but I’ve got problem solving skills bar none, 25+ years of IT experience, etc. etc.

I’m the Anthony Robbins of computer challenges. I don’t do many phone coachings though, I just use to login to your computer (with your permission). Cause by the time you have explained me your problem? Or even blinked with your eyes? I would have fixed 95% already. How? I dunno. MAGIC

(once you have mastered something; are a guru, it just comes naturally I suppose)

P.S. I don’t quit, nor hang-up, nor sleep till your challenges are solved. That’s a very dangerous promise indeed  and at a flat-fee rate of $37 per session in ALL timezones? I’m either nuts, or just truly love what it is I do. What’s your passion? What skill do you excel at? Please tell me, so we can network and exchange value! Or call Ed …

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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