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Scrypt Miner: A2BOX (6 module, 28nm, 48 chips, 84M) Review & Resellers

My gosh things are going at lightspeed.

A2Box Overview

A2 miner  employ the lastest 28nm A2 Chip. Each Chip is running at 1.79M with 10W power consumption.

A 6 module A2 miner has 48 A2 chips in total with 6 module and 8 chip on each module.

Therefore , the total hash rate is 86M and total power consumption on the wall socket is around 750W.  It is the same model with some other manufacture claimed 90M model(with over clock settings)

The A2 miner  is a 4U standard box and it is very suitable for large scale deployment.

A2 miner has a raspberry Pi built in. No extra controller or accessory is needed.

The A2BOX/A2MINI Miners are using 28nm chips and therefore have great advantage on power consumption. It draw 1/3 of the power vs 55nm chips like Zeus and Gridseed chips All Scrypt Miners on market today either use Zeus 55nm Chips (Hashra/GAW) or Gridseed’s GC3355.   Innosilicon is the only 28nm Chips that is not an preorder

A2Box More Information

A2Box Resellers

At the moment just 2 resellers.

 A2Box ‘light’ = A2MiniBox

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